WebSocket is a computer communication protocol which provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection. It makes possible to create web applications that supports real-time bi-directional communication between both clients and servers. Most of the modern web browsers support WebSocket including all size devices. While making web applications having realtime communication features like audio […]
Tar is a popular archiving format on linux, most time distress are compressed in tar to deliver packages and updates. Tar is also common in file sharing online. Everybody is used to compressing and extracting files using tar but always confuse with options should be passed based on file extension. Lets see how to compress […]
If we are looking in to the Nginx web server, server blocks (similar to virtual hosts in Apache) can be used to cover configuration details and host more than one domain on a single server. Here we are going to discuss how to set up multiple server blocks in Nginx on an Ubuntu server. prerequisites […]
Introduction PostgreSQL, or Postgres, is an open-source, powerful, advanced, high performance, and stable relational-document database management system that provides an implementation of the SQL querying language. It is a popular choice for many small and large projects and has the advantage of being standards-compliant and having many advanced features like reliable transactions and concurrency without […]
Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure a multi-node cluster with (single datacenter) Cassandra on Ubuntu 18.04 .In the previous tutorial we discussed configure cassandra on single node which can be read from how to run a single-node Cassandra cluster. Why cassandra Cluster Cassandra is very fault-tolerant. It can be scaled to […]
Introduction In the previous tutorial, we discussed how to install and access Apache Cassandra from the Debian packages. In this tutorial, we will learn how to install Cassandra from the downloaded tarball. It is a simple method. If you want to check out our previous tutorial go to Install Apache Cassandra from deb packages Installation […]
Introduction Apache Cassandra is a free and open-source NoSQL database management system that is designed to provide scalability, high availability, able to handle large amounts of data, and uncompromised performance. It uses a cluster model unlike Mysql, MSSQL. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install and use cassandra to run a single-node cluster on […]
Introduction In the previous tutorial part 1, we used Dockerfile to set up the environment and run the spring boot application by running containers separately and then building a link between them. Please checkout our previous article to know more about dockerize spring-boot application using Dockerfile But in this session, we use docker-compose to dockerize […]
Introduction In this article, we’ll focus on how to dockerize a Spring Boot + MYSQL application to docker-Using Dockerfile and containers Furthermore, we’ll show how to create a composition of containers, which depend on each other and are linked against each other in a virtual private network. We’ll also see how they can be managed […]
Introduction Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery highly fundamental topics in the software industry especially with the cloud and container technologies. Container technologies such as Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift and automation servers like Jenkins make easier to manage our projects workflow. In this session we will pull sample Jenkins pipeline code from the GitHub repository and create jerkins pipeline using docker containers. The processes we want […]